Rats & Mice West Pennant Hills NSW – Emergency Residential Rodent Exterminators

The longer you wait, the worse your pest infestation can get. If you suspect you have a pest problem in West Pennant Hills, don't delay. Call us now!

Rats & Mice

Rats & Mice were introduced to Australia by the very first European settlers and they have been a problem ever since.

They can multiply rapidly and will do significant damage to your house, business and furnishings through their gnawing activities. They will also infect food and other materials through the droppings they leave behind. Their droppings have even been implicated as possible asthma triggers in children.

Not only are rats and mice damaging they have also been known to trigger home fires after chewing through electrical cables.

Castle Hill Pest Control’s mouse control service

At Castle Hill Pest Control, we understand the concerns to your house, family or business from the existence of mice.

As experts in mouse control, we provide quick and reliable services to help your property stay pest-free.

Backed by over 85 years of global experience, our licensed service technicians are based in West Pennant Hills and are local to you.

With ongoing training for the latest technology, treatments and innovation, we are in the very best position to be able to offer you the most efficient mouse control services available.

Common Rodent Types in West Pennant Hills

Roof rat (Black Rat)

Nests in attics, wall voids, hollow trees. Typically enters the house from trees or power lines. Prefers fruit, but will consume all type of foods. Prefers to travel off the ground.

Norway rat (Sewer Rat)

Digs burrows along foundations and under dirt piles, typically found in basements. Can get in homes through toilet pipes. Prefers meat and fish, but will consume anything. Very aggressive, strong burrower and an outstanding swimmer.

Wood Rat

Prefer to not live near human beings. Typically, construct their nests on the ground in wooded locations. Nocturnal and mainly vegetarian– eating plants, woodland fruits, and they particularly like acorns.

Rats and mice trigger illnesses!

Rats and mice are huge carriers of various illnesses, and it has been reported that rats bite more than fifteen thousand individuals each year, involving extremely young, old or incapacitated. A few of the diseases caused by rats are bubonic plague, salmonella, leptospirosis, Hantavirus and tularemia.

Indications of rat and mice activity include;.

Finding normal indications of mice, such as droppings, might indicate an active invasion in your house or business.

  • Droppings – 50/80 droppings a night, little and dark (approx. 3 – 8 mm in length), spread arbitrarily. Try to find droppings particularly along walls, in cupboards or under sinks.
  • Grease marks (smudges or smears) – This is caused by mice fur continuously brushing against walls, floorings and skirting on regular paths. You may discover dark smears around holes or around corners.
  •  Urine pillars – In establishedor heavy infestations, body grease, integrated with dirt and urine, builds up into little mounds, approximately 4cm high and 1cm wide.
  •  Scratching noises – People typically report hearing unusual scratching noises in the evening when mice are most active. Listen for noises between partition walls, under floorboards, in false ceilings, basements and lofts.
  • Nests – Mice use simple to shred materials, such as newspaper and fabrics, together with other soft materials to line their nest. Check lofts, suspended ceilings, cavity walls, under floorboards and behind fridges, under stoves and in airing cupboards. Nests will typically contain young mice.
  • Tracks (footprints) – Dusty environments such as unused lofts and basements can show up rodent tracks and tail marks. To check for activity, spray flour, talcum powder or china clay and check the next day for fresh tracks.
  • Live or dead rat or mice – Spotting a mouse or rat during the daytime can be a sign of a heavy invasion.
  • Strong smell – Mice urinate frequently and their wee has a strong ammonia-like smell. The smell may be extremely strong near the main site of activity or in enclosed areas. This smell can linger for a very long time (even after an invasion has been gotten rid of).

If you see any of these indications, call Castle Hill Pest Control today for a totally free quote on targeted mouse and rat control, utilizing the latest technologies and innovation.

Our service is guaranteed and is offered as part of our Year Round Protection Plan.

Worried about rats and mice in your house or business?

  • You can take some practical steps now to deter rats and mice in the first place and avoid an invasion. Before you start to treat for rats, Castle Hill Pest Control recommends:.
    Make sure all food is kept safely in fridges, freezers and sealed containers or jars.
  • Repair any holes in walls and fill spaces that exist in flooring, doors or windows.
  •  Clean, sweep and vacuum your house ahead of the treatment and do this regularly to assist ongoing control.
  •  Remove any unnecessary cardboard, paper or packaging that rats can use for making nests.
  •  Make notes on where rats are seen and share these information with your pest control professional.
    For an existing problem today, you can rely on Castle Hill Pest Control to get rid of rats and mice securely and successfully.

With 85 years of worldwide experience in controlling mice, our licensed service technicians live locally in the locations they serve and can provide a fast service to your problem.

For A-class services in North Rocks, Beecroft, Carlingford, Pennant Hills, Cherrybrook, Cheltenham, Castle Hill, Baulkham Hills, Epping, North Epping and West Pennant Hills, contact us!

We pride ourselves as one of many handful of companies that feature a competitive pricing policy. Regardless of your budget plan, be assured that we can work something out for you! Our professional pest control specialists are eagerly waiting for your call. Connect with us now!

Other services we provide include Termite Treatment, Cockroach Removal, Ant and Spider Removal, Rat and Mouse Removal, Bed Bug and Flea Removal, and many more.

Remember, we have locations in North Rocks, Beecroft, Carlingford, Pennant Hills, Cherrybrook, Cheltenham, Castle Hill, Baulkham Hills, Epping, North Epping and West Pennant Hills